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NTA EBulletin: March 9, 2025

Writer: Mike ZillesMike Zilles

NTA Survey Observations #2: Stress in the Workplace


Members surveyed reported that the two most important drivers of workplace stress are excessive job expectations and adoption of new initiatives without proper professional development. This is reinforced by member open responses. Members report being overwhelmed by curriculum and scheduling changes and unrealistic expectations of staff performance. 

As just one of many examples is the teaching of multi-level classes at the high school level. Even though there is disagreement among NTA members about the efficacy of multilevel classes, I believe all would agree that the district failed to provide high quality professional development and other necessary supports during the rollout of this initiative. This has exacerbated the controversy around this initiative. 

Members surveyed reported that the second most important drivers of workplace stress were constraints on the ability to help students and budget uncertainties. It is deeply undermining of morale when you don't feel as if you can do all you know you need to do to support your students.

Now we are in the middle of yet another budget season in which Mayor Fuller proposes a budget allocation that entails serious staff cuts, a loss of support for both students and staff, and a piling on of responsibility to those who remain.

NTA Elections

This year, at a General Membership Meeting held on January 16th, members present voted to change our NTA by-laws to make the second release officer an elected position. Ryan Normandin, from Newton South High School, and Karen Tokos, from Newton North High School, are running to fill the position. The election will be held virtually. Polling will open on Sunday, March 23rd at 12 pm., and close on Monday, March 24th at 8:30 pm. That's just one week from today! There are a number of ways you can inform yourself about the candidates.


You will receive campaign emails from both candidates, which will come to your inbox from our NTA Elections email address. Karen and Ryan sent out their first emails on March 12. If you have not seen these, recheck your inbox or your spam.

Second Release Officer Candidates Forum

The NTA will hold a forum with the candidates on Wednesday, March 19th from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm.  The forum will be held virtually using the NTA zoom account.  Registration is required, click here to register.

  • The forum schedule will be as follows:

    • Closing statements (5 minutes)

    • Open question forum (25 minutes)

    • Three prepared questions/answers (20 minutes)

    • Opening statements (5 minutes)

    • Ground rules and introduce the candidates (5 minutes)

MTA/NEA Events This Year  

MTA Annual Meeting and NEA Representative Assembly

  • The MTA Annual Meeting is May 2-3 in Springfield, MA.This is where representatives from every local union in the state come together to set the budget and policy guidance for the upcoming year.  We can send about 41 people to the meeting.

  • The NEA Representative Assembly is meeting in Portland, Oregon from July 2-6 to set the agenda at the national level for the 25-26 school year.  We can send 13 individuals from NTA.   

The NTA has many open slots to be either a MTA delegate to the Annual Meeting or an NEA delegate to the Representative Assembly. 

We will fill these slots on a first come, first served basis. Please send me an email indicating your desire to be a delegate, and I will register you.Note: to be an NEA delegate, you must also attend the MTA Annual Meeting. The NTA will reimburse your costs for travel, housing and meals.

MTA Licensure Workshops

The Center for Education Policy & Practice and Training & Professional Learning invite PreK-12 Educators to join Education Policy Specialist Beth Tripathi and Professional Development Strategist Dan Callahan for workshops on the licensure process for different career stages. 

Registration is open now for the Winter Virtual Licensure Workshops:

  • Mar. 26 – Professional License Renewal

 All workshops will be at 7 PM. Members can register at

In solidarity, 

Mike Zilles, President

Newton Teachers Association


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