In this issue:
Proposed Budget Cuts
Community Relations
Charles E. Brown Fellowships
MTA's ESP Conference
Proposed Budget Cuts
On Friday, March 11, I sent out a "Budget Cuts Update" email. If you have not had a chance to read that yet, we have now posted it on the NTA website. You can read it by clicking here. There was paragraph in that update that was neither clear nor complete. It read: Another interesting budget fact. In 2017-2018, the next to last year of our prior three year contract, Superintendent Fleishman also had a budget gap to fill, and did so by laying off 26.6 FTEs--people. Structural deficits seem to appear in the final year of a contract. It should have read: Some other interesting budget facts:
This budget gap appears in the last year of our current three year contract, and Superintendent Fleishman estimates to fill that gap he will need to cut staffing levels by 64 to 74 FTEs.
In school year 2017-2018, the last year of the 2015-2018 contract, Superintendent Fleishman also had a budget gap to fill, and did so by reducing staffing levels by 26.6 FTEs.
However, in school year 2013-2014, the last year of the 2011--2014 contract, the district increased staffing levels by 52.6 FTEs. Notwithstanding, the school committee bargaining team's initial offerings in the spring of 2014 was 0% cost-of-living adjustments for the next three years. They said they just couldn't afford to pay more.
Budget gap and staffing cuts, or budget surplus and staffing additions, district leaders always want us to pay for them. We must say no--we do not earn too much!
Community Relations
Begin the fight back against staff layoffs: Sign up here to attend the Parent / Educator Collaborative community organizing meeting this Thursday, March 17 at 7pm via Zoom. Community allies need to hear directly from educators on the impact that staff layoffs would have on Newton schools and students. Together, we will plan action steps to say no to staff cuts. We are anticipating a large turnout of both educators and community members on Thursday. Whether you are planning to attend the meeting or not, if you would like an opportunity to share a testimonial with community members about the impact of staff layoffs, please share or preview your testimonial using this form. This will help our facilitators ensure voices from all levels and units are represented.
Charles E. Brown Fellowship Applications Announcement
The Charles E. Brown Fellowship is an annual award sponsored by the Newton Teachers Association. NTA members who receive this award are released from regular duties for one to five days to pursue a particular educational project (without loss of pay).
Types of Projects Considered for Funding:
Development of professional tools, equipment, and materials
Professional study and research
Advancement of professional association work and leadership
Criteria for Selection: The review board will consider the project’s future benefits to the students, teachers and professional staff of the City of Newton. The contribution that the project will make to the unified teaching profession will also be considered. Applications: If you are interested in applying for a fellowship, please fill out an application form on line using this link: If you prefer a paper application, one can be found on the NTA Website Charles E. Brown Fellowship page under Member Resources. Deadline: Completed applications for the fellowships for the 2022-2023 school year must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 31, 2022. Announcement of Awards: The winners of the 2022-2023 Charles E. Brown Fellowships will be announced the week of May 2, 2022. Completion Dates: All fellowships granted for the 2022-2023 school year must be completed between September 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
MTA's ESP Conference
MTA's ESP Conference will be held on April 1-2 on Cape Cod. Overnight accommodations are available. All Unit C and D members are eligible. Register here.