NTA Night Out!
Join your union siblings for an for an NTA Night Out--an evening of solidarity and socializing:
When: Friday, January 31 after 3:00
Where: The Social Restaurant and Bar in Newton Corner.
Let's celebrate the one year anniversary of our victory!
Let us know if you will be coming by filling out this quick google form.
Urgent Information — Your Sick Leave Benefit at Risk
Christine Walsh, Second Release Officer,
Chair Professional Rights & Responsibilities
The NTA has recently learned of two incidents where the Human Resources Office instructed members to return to full time work on a date earlier than their doctors had authorized as medically necessary. Their alternative, HR informed them, was to continue their sick leave unpaid.
In both cases, the Human Resources Office denied these members their contractual right to paid sick leave. In one case, the member still had days remaining in their accrued personal sick leave; in the other case, the member may not have been informed of their right to seek additional paid sick days by accessing the sick leave bank. In one of these cases, the member returned to work contrary to the advice of their medical provider.
We are additionally concerned that not all sick leave bank applications are being sent along to the Sick Leave Bank Committee for consideration.
For a review of your contractual rights to sick leave time, please see this EBulletin from November 3rd, 2024. You can also click on the image above or here to see an abridged version of our collective bargaining agreements' language on paid sick leave and the sick leave bank. (The contract language is quite clear, precise, and easy to read.)
If you are denied paid sick leave or access to the sick leave bank, have any questions or concerns about your use of sick leave or information you receive about sick leave from Human Resources, or have applied to the sick leave bank at any time this school year and been denied access, please reach out to your building rep or a member of the Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee right away!

You Can Help California Educator and Student Victims of the LA Wildfires
From MTA January 15 Union News....."We are all watching on our screens the devastation from the wildfires in Los Angeles. No doubt, many of you are providing support in a variety of ways. Consider making, as well, a donation to the Disaster Relief Fund set up by our sibling state affiliate, the California Teachers Association. These donations will assist their members and students affected by the fires."

MTA Licensure Workshops
The Center for Education Policy & Practice and Training & Professional Learning invite PreK-12 Educators to join Education Policy Specialist Beth Tripathi and Professional Development Strategist Dan Callahan for workshops on the licensure process for different career stages. Registration is open now for the Winter Virtual Licensure Workshops:
Jan. 29 – Licensure Basics for Early Career Educators
Feb. 26 – Licensure Basics for ESPs
Mar. 26 – Professional License Renewal
All workshops will be at 7 PM. Members can register at https://massteacher.org/events-and-conferences/licensure-workshops.
MTA Events This Year:
Early Career Educators' Conference: March 1, 2025 in Worcester, MA
ESP Conference: April 5-6, 2025 in Southbridge, MA
MTA Annual Meeting: May 2-3, 2025 in Springfield, MA
From NEA Today:
"Five Reasons Educators Are Wary as
Second Trump Term Begins"
In solidarity,
Mike Zilles, President
Newton Teachers Association