Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for going into your classrooms and offices today and getting them set up for your students. Our action was wildly successful, and it was your participation that made it happen. This action showed our ability to turn on a dime when necessary.
I know there are many questions swirling around, but let’s be clear: We are not on strike, and there is no plan to go on strike in the near future.
Yes, the School Committee will be filing a strike petition with the Department of Labor Relations. They are claiming that our action today was a strike, but I think all of you know that you showed up at work, and—worked!
And I know it is incredibly frustrating to read the misrepresentations of our actions by the school committee. We have sent out a press release to set the record straight.
We all need to remember that we are in this for the long game. We will prevail.
In solidarity,
Mike Zilles, President
Newton Teachers Association